Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Aishiteruze Baby

Aishiteruze Baby is a shōjo manga series that revolves around the life of Kippei, a popular high-school playboy who flirts with any girl he sees, without thinking about their feelings. His life is turned upside down when one day his aunt abandons his five-year-old cousin Yuzuyu at his house. Kippei is assigned the task of taking care of Yuzuyu for the time being, and he must learn how to become the "mother" she needs. As Kippei learns how to care for Yuzuyu, he also learns to care for Kokoro, a quiet girl at his school, who helps him out.
In Japanese, aishiteru ze (愛してるぜ?) is a casual, masculine way of saying "I love you" (see Gender differences in spoken Japanese).

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